I finally watched the episode of Knight Rider where KITT has to face off against KARR. KARR is the same as KITT, except he has a yellow wibbly light instead of a red one. Also, he makes a 'WUMMMMMM WUMMMMMM' noise. Also, instead of saying things like 'We can't drive through the Monastery, Michael. We will have to drive through the Nunnery' he says things like 'You WILL steal the money from this bank'

Eventually Michael tricked KARR into going to a quarry, but KARR was armed with a laser. KARR shot KITT three times with the laser. "If I am shot with that laser again, Michael, I will explode" said KITT. But then Michael made KITT drive at KARR, and when KARR fired the laser again, Michael wound up the window, and the laser bounced off it back at itself, which made it explode.

Then KARR and KITT were at the bottom of identical ramps, facing each other. Then Michael said "There's no option KITT, go for it" and KITT said "If this doesn't work...it's been lovely working with you Michael" and Michael said "Same here buddy" which was quite touching, then they DROVE at each other INTO THE AIR, and there was a massive explosion, but then KITT landed, and we realised only KITT and Michael had survived, and KARR had been blown up. Then Michael bought the man who had been driving KARR a diner. Then it panned past the bits of KARR, and then a light on one of the bits flashed, and I realised KARR wasn't dead at all.