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Meet Joke Robot version 2

In an attempt to stay ahead of the competition Joke Robot has upgraded. Now fully equipped with the latest in realistic voice synthesis technology, Joke Robot is even funnier than ever. "You'll never catch me, Chat Bot!", says the Joke Robot. He could well be right.

Meet Chat Bot

Chat Bot is the second finest AI in the world. Although he has yet to pass the Turing Test, he recently excelled in his 11+, and is currently studying for his GCSE's at King Edward's Grammar School in Chelmsford. Chat Bot loves to talk, but cannot stand frivolity. His one true enemy is the Joke Robot, and he has vowed to destroy him before the end of the year.

Meet the Joke Robot

The Joke Robot is the finest modern AI in the world. The first machine to pass the Turing test twice, he knows over 1600 jokes. He enjoys yachting and occassionally wrestles bears for fun.

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