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from: DAVID MCPIPEHELM date: Mon, Apr 25, 2005 at 9:12 AM subject: Dear Sir or Madam Recently while perusing the internet I came across possibly the most depraved site ever created. Appalled by this I took solace in https://goaste.cx, and have since regained my composure. Yours sincerely, David McPipehelm (deceased) |
Although it may look to the outside world as if goaste is just hastily produced rubbish, and that we've all spent the summer doing nothing except weep in frustration at the clouds, there is in fact a surprising amount of hard work going on behind the scenes. Our team of highly skilled professionals don't just stumble upon our award-winning jokes and our prize-winning artwork does not just appear from thin air. Sometimes what you don't see is more important than what you do. It is for that reason that, for the first time, we reveal how goaste gets made. |
1 - What do you look for in a man? A) Good looks. B) A good sense of humour. C) Intelligence. D) A fit, healthy body. E) All of the above!!! |
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George... | |
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George, can we begin? | |
Hello, Roger. | ![]() |
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The questions are welling up behind my eyes, like a froth. Has this ever happened to you, George? |
This all-purpose bum is a delightful addition to any party. |
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'Hi there! I'm Iain Banks, the famous author. I've written all sorts of weird, gothic-y books like The Wasp Factory, The Bridge and all that. They're great - maybe you should check 'em out!' |
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'Oh, hello the noo... I'm Iain Banks' evil twin, Iain M. Banks. I despise my brother, and decided to do something completely different to distance myself from him - I write sort of weird, science fictiony books. I'm completely different to my stupid brother, Iain Banks.' |
It's nearly my birthday and I saw Mil leafing through the "Past Times" catalogue. What a compleat arsole. We have copies of "How to be a Smug Twat in Latin" coming out of our ears. |
COW wedged ironically in the dairy aisle in between the milk and the cheese face that cow face it down face that cow I am used to cow being my dinner says a lady backing away rapidly cow should not be looking at me she drops her meat and flees face it! Face that cow! Cow in the supermarket! It should not be here |
The Beast - many a good (lobster) friend did I see end his days at the hands of this dreadful creature. |
Ipswich actually is the worse place ever. In my previous life as Mike Jones Claims Negotiator, I worked in Ipswich for three years. On my first day of work, I smoked a joint in Christchurch Park, alone. I couldn't function when I went back to 'the office' so I had to try something else the next day. The next day I walked around Tower Ramparts looking in windows, wearing a grey suit and eating a packed lunch from a Tesco carrier bag. I wanted to throw the bag away but there was the issue of the spoon � the spoon covered in chocolate from the chocolate mousse my mother had packed and I had eaten. I couldn't put that spoon in the pocket of my grey suit, you see? Claims negotiators don't have stains... |
What a splendid day for a bit of jolly old fun! It may be dull and dreary outside, but here in Cuthbert Crowser's Exciting Egg Environment there's gaboodles of larks to be had, and I've got some special tickets to hand out to all the lucky boys and girls. Unlucky get nowt and be grateful for it, I don't want you defiling my glorious palace with your foul, malformed parts. |
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Hello! I'm the final Master. I have no evil beard at all, which is the rubbishest kind of evil beard. |
A firm but tender cock, with a pleasing aroma and a fruity aftertaste. |
Q. Where does astronaut keep egg? A. egg cuoboaird Q: Who started the great fire of London? A: Ultra Jesus Q: God walked into bar, and then destroyed it with lightning! A: Snow joke |
Why do bad things happen to bad people? B. Vox, Ireland |
Does anyone remember this?![]() Fuck me but did that thing used to freak me out DAVID MCPIPEBEAR, Camberley |
What ho. Bastard engineering work has dried up lately and I find myself with a lot of bastard time on my bastard hands. So, with the help of my bastard Stovepipe (Hat) of Knowledge, I plan to put my-bastard-self to good use once more. Ask me a bastard question, I'll tip my Stovepipe and Bob's your bastard uncle, a nugget of genuine wisdom and truth will fall forth. Who's bastard first? / ![]() |
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